A Validator and Converter for the Synthetic Biology Open Language


This paper presents a new validation and conversion utility for the Synthetic Biology Open Language (SBOL). This utility can be accessed directly in software using the libSBOLj library, through a web interface, or using a web service via RESTful API calls. The validator checks all required and best practice rules set forth in the SBOL specification document, and it reports back to the user the location within the document of any errors found. The converter is capable of translating from/to SBOL 1, GenBank, and FASTA formats to/from SBOL 2. The SBOL Validator/Converter utility is released freely and open source under the Apache 2.0 license. The online version of the validator/converter utility can be found here: http://www.async.ece.utah.edu/sbol-validator/. The source code for the validator/converter can be found here: http://github.com/SynBioDex/SBOL-Validator/.

Zach Zundel
Zach Zundel
Facebook, Product Engineer
Meher Samineni
Meher Samineni
REI, Software Engineer
Zhen Zhang
Zhen Zhang
Utah State University, Assistant Professor
