Stochastic Cycle Period Analysis in Timed Circuits


This thesis presents a method of deriving a performance metric for timed asynchronous circuits called a stochastic cycle period, which uses analytical techniques combined with simulation to capture the stochastic profile of the system. The stochastic cycle period is constructed by finding transition and steady-state probabilities in a reachability graph of the timed circuit. The transition and steady-state probabilities are used to obtain trigger probabilities in the circuit implementation. The trigger probabilities are employed in a timing simulation to construct the stochastic cycle period of the timed specification. Since this performance metric is a stochastic profile of the circuit behavior with regards to its individual components, synthesis optimization efforts can be focused on areas that significantly improve the expected cost of a cycle in the system. This thesis presents some case studies where the metric is used to evaluate and improve designs. The studies show the potentia…

M.S. Thesis, University of Utah
